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National Professional House Cleaners Day 9-17-2022

September 1, 2022

National Professional House Cleaner’s Day is 9-17-2022

Where Exceptional Service & Affordability Meet!

PROCLAMATION: Professional House Cleaners Day

September 17, 2022 will be the fourth annual day to celebrate professional house cleaners across the country.

BELLEVUE, WA September 1, 2022

Over the last 200 years, U.S. life expectancy has more than doubled with vast improvements in health and quality of life. However, while most people imagine medical advancements to be the reason for this increase, the largest gain in life expectancy occurred between 1880 and 1920 due to public health improvements.

A higher level of understanding & implementation of proper cleaning & sanitation practices is what has provided a foundation for this unprecedented increase in life expectancy and quality of life.

Where Exceptional Service & Affordability Meet!

Proper Cleaning & Sanitation has been recognized as the “greatest medical advancement since 1840” according to the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), and today Professional Cleaning Providers are trained to be preventative healthcare professionals by the American House Cleaners Association.

More than ever, professional cleaners across the country are needed to keep our homes & businesses clean & safe.

Please help us recognize all local Professional Cleaning Providers in our community by joining us in celebrating National Professional House Cleaners Day this year on September 17, 2022.

As a Professional Cleaning Provider in Bellevue, I am extremely honored and proud to serve in the capacity of preventative healthcare. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health & cleanliness of our community members is very important to me.

Professional House Cleaners Day

To learn more about the AHCA & National Professional House Cleaners Day, visit

Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the importance of proper cleaning & sanitation and recognizing all Professional Cleaning Providers here in our local community! I can be reached about this press release by phone at 206-200-9536 or by email:

Rob Lebeck, Owner